Error Codes

Error Code Severity Description
 0x001  Error  Attempt to run librpip with an elevated (root) account. librpip will not initialise.
 0x010  Error  Cannot find /proc/cpuinfo to detect board model/revision. Board must be set manually.
 0x011  Error  Cannot read /proc/cpuinfo to detect board model/revision. Board must be set manually.
 0x012  Error  Unknown board revision. (Got a top secret prototype?). Board must be set manually.
 0x100  Warning  /dev/gpiomem does not exist (kernel module not loaded?)
 0x101  Error  Unable to open /dev/gpiomem for writing (check user permissions).
 0x102  Error  Failure mapping gpiomem memory registers with mmap.
 0x103  Error  Failure mapping available pins on a board. Most likely because the board is unknown.
 0x104  Warning  Some pins are configured for an unknown alternate function, they will be removed from the valid pin list. You should probably work out what is using the pins.
 0x105  Info  Skipping GPIO initialisation as instructed.
 0x110  Warning  Attempt to use a GPIO function when GPIO functions are not available.
 0x111  Warning  Attempt to use a GPIO function on an invalid pin (> 31).
 0x112  Warning  Attempt to use a GPIO function on pin that is not available (in use with an alternate function or ignored in librpipInit().
 0x113  Warning  Attempt to use an output function on a pin that is not configured for output.
 0x114  Error  Pin is configured for an unexpected alternate function. This error indicates another process has modified the pins since librpipInit() was run.
 0x120  Warning  Timeout waiting for an event on a pin with librpipGpioPinEventWait().
 0x200  Info  /dev/spidev?.? does not exist (kernel module not loaded?).
 0x201  Error  Unable to open a /dev/spidev?.? device node for writing (user permissions?)
 0x202  Error  Attempt to use a SPI function on a non-existant SPI device.
 0x203  Error  Attempt to use a SPI function on a client device that doesn’t exist. SPI0 has CS0,1, SPI1 has CS0,1,2
 0x204  Warning  Attempt to use a SPI function on a SPI device that wasn’t detected & initialised.
 0x205  Info  Skipping SPI initialisation as instructed.
 0x206  Warning  3Wire mode is not supported on this SPI device.
 0x210  Error  Unable to read SPI Mode (SPI_IOC_RD_MODE) from device.
 0x211  Error  Unable to read SPI LSB First (SPI_IOC_RD_LSB_FIRST) from device.
 0x212  Error  Unable to read SPI Bits per Word (SPI_IOC_RD_BITS_PER_WORD) from device.
 0x213  Error  Unable to read SPI Max Speed (SPI_IOC_RD_MAX_SPEED_HZ) from device.
 0x214  Error  Unable to read SPI Mode Flags (SPI_IOC_RD_MODE32) from device.
 0x220  Error  Unable to write SPI Mode (SPI_IOC_RD_MODE) to device.
 0x221  Error  Unable to write SPI LSB First (SPI_IOC_RD_LSB_FIRST) to device.
 0x222  Error  Unable to write SPI Bits per Word (SPI_IOC_RD_BITS_PER_WORD) to device.
 0x223  Error  Unable to write SPI Max Speed (SPI_IOC_RD_MAX_SPEED_HZ) to device.
 0x224  Error  Unable to write SPI Mode Flags (SPI_IOC_RD_MODE32) to device.
 0x225  Warning  Some SPI flags submitted are unsupported by the kernel module. Supported flags are: SPI_CS_HIGH, SPI_NO_CS.
 0x227  Warning  Invalid SPI mode requested.
 0x228  Warning  Invalid Speed requested. Supported speeds are 8kHz to 125mHz.
 0x230  Error  Failure transmitting on SPI bus.
 0x300  Info  I2C device node /dev/i2c-? does not exist (kernel module not loaded?).
 0x301  Error  Unable to open /dev/i2c-? for writing (user permissions?).
 0x302  Error  Invalid I2C device number.
 0x303  Warning  No I2C functions available as this device was not detected or initialised.
 0x304  Info  Skipping I2C initialisation as instructed.
 0x311  Error  Device node /dev/i2c-? does not support I2C Functions.
 0x320  Warning  Some I2C flags submitted are not valid.
 0x321  Warning  PEC is not supported on this I2C device.
 0x322  Warning  10bit client address are not supported on this I2C device.
 0x323  Warning  Submitted I2C slaveid is not a valid 10bit id.
 0x324  Warning  Submitted I2C slaveid is not a valid 7bit id.
 0x330  Error  Unable to read I2C device functionality.
 0x340  Error  Unable to set I2C slave ID.
 0x341  Error  Unable to set I2C 10Bit flag.
 0x342  Error  Unable to set I2C PEC flag.
 0x350  Error  Unable to send I2C transaction.
 0x400  Info  /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/* does not exist (PWM init script not run?)
 0x401  Error  Unable to open /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/* for writing.
 0x402  Error  Invalid PWM device number. Valid numbers are 0 and 1.
 0x403  Error  Unable to map GPIO pins for board
 0x404  Warning  Unable to perform pin allocation discovery as no available pins. Consult /boot/config.txt for pin allocation.
 0x405  Warning  Unable to discover which pin a PWM is active on. Consult /boot/config.txt for pin allocation.
 0x406  Warning  Attempt to use a PWM function on a PWM that wasn’t detected and initialised
 0x407  Info  Skipping PWM initialisation as instructed
 0x408  Info  PWM module not running.
 0x410  Error  Error opening file /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/duty_cycle
 0x411  Error  Error opening file /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/period
 0x412  Error  Error opening file /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/enable
 0x413  Error  Error opening file /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/polarity
 0x420  Warning  The supplied pwm period was not in the expected range of 109ns to 2s.
 0x421  Warning  The supplied pwm duty cycle was greater than the period.
 0x422  Warning  The supplied pwm flags contained unknown flags.
 0x423  Warning  It is not possible to have the pwm polarity normal and inverted at the same time.
 0x424  Warning  The supplied pwm duty cycle was not a percentage between 0 and 100.
 0x425  Warning  The supplied servo angle was outside of the configured range.
 0x426  Warning  The supplied servo range  is outside of the 0° – 720° range.
 0x427  Warning  The supplied servo min  pulse is outside of the 0-20ms range.
 0x428  Warning  The supplied servo max pulse is outside of the 0-20ms range.
 0x429  Warning  The supplied servo min pulse is greater than the max pulse .
 0x430  Error  Error writing file /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/duty_cycle
 0x431  Error  Error writing file /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/period
 0x432  Error  Error writing file /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/enable
 0x433  Error  Error writing file /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm?/polarity
 0x500  Warning  Invalid transaction mode.
 0x501  Warning  Invalid bits per word for a transaction.
 0x510  Warning Unable to add message segment to transaction. Invalid message direction supplied.
 0x511  Warning  Unable to add message segment to transaction. Invalid length for message segment buffer.
 0x512  Warning  Unable to add message segments to a transaction that has already been sent.
 0x513  Warning  Unable to add message segment to transaction. Combined Send/Receive messages are only valid in SPI mode.
 0x514  Warning  Unable to add message segment to transaction. Only combined Send/Receive messages are valid in SPI mode.
 0x515  Warning  Unable to add message segment to transaction. I2C max message length reached.
 0x516  Warning  Unable to set variable message segment to transaction.  Length of is not valid.
 0x517  Warning  Unable to add message segment to transaction. Variable name is not valid.
 0x520  Warning  Unable to transmit a transaction that has no messages.
 0x521  Warning  Unable to transmit a transaction that has unset variable segments.
 0x530  Warning  Cannot read from a transaction that has not been initialised.
 0x531  Warning  Could not find another message segment to read from in the transaction.
 0x532  Warning  Could not find a message segment to read from in the transaction.
 0x533  Warning  Cannot read from a transaction that has not been sent.
 0x540  Warning  Cannot destroy transaction. It has not been initialised.
 0x600  Info  Device node /dev/ttyAMA0 does not exist (kernel module not loaded?).
 0x601  Warning  Unable to open /dev/ttyAMA0 for writing (user permissions or in use by console?)
 0x602  Error  Invalid UART device number. Valid device numbers are 0 & 1.
 0x603  Info  Skipping UART initialisation as instructed
 0x604  Info  Neither UART device node exists.
 0x605  Warning  Attempt to use a UART function on a UART device that wasn’t detected & initialised.
 0x606  Info  Device node /dev/ttyS0 does not exist (kernel module not loaded?).
 0x607  Warning  Unable to open /dev/ttyS0 for writing (user permissions or in use by console?)
 0x610  Error  Unable to read configuration of UART.
 0x611  Error  Unable to flush UART.
 0x612  Error  Unable to set configuration of UART.
 0x620  Warning  The supplied UART baud is not valid.
 0x621  Warning  The supplied UART mode is not valid.
 0x622  Warning  The supplied UART character bits size is not valid.
 0x623  Warning  The supplied UART parity is not valid.
 0x624  Warning  The supplied UART stopbits is not valid.
 0x630  Error  Error writing to UART.
 0x631  Warning  Incomplete transfer on UART. The returned length transmitted is less than the length sent.
 0x632  Warning  Invalid UART transfer. The length %u is is not valid
 0x640  Error  Error reading from UART
 0x641  Warning  Timeout waiting for data from UART